There must be more in life than this…

there must be something else, right? something we can’t see with the day by day living, and the continuous noise we have inside and outside.

Since a kid I’ve always felt there was something missing, something nobody teach you at school,some kind of energy surrounding all, a very powerful mysterious force.Like the certainty that everything was somehow connected. Obviously never talked about it with my High School mates, cause was quite busy trying to survive High School (Who the hell invented that torture? that’s cruel! So many little freaks locked up for years in same building, trying to be cool and fighting with more inner changes than a werewolf!! seriously, uf! ).

There has to be something else, otherwise life is so boring. Do we really come to this planet, grow up, make all this connections with others, work in something most of times we hate, participate in a reality show in the worst cases, and die? I don’t think so.

Nature is so perfect and so intelligent when you look how easy trees, or animals or oceans flow….so why are we so stupid? I think we haven’t found the trick yet (well, obviously some people does and live unbelievable amazing lives with no effort, apparently). But most of us, even when we are happy in some areas of life, struggle so much in others, and sabotage ourselves, and suffer, and seem to be all the time in a constant and exhausting search. I’m sure everything is much more easy than it looks like, and if we could find that little “click” we would be amazed by how easy everything we dream comes to us. But how?

I’m more than sure that we all have a purpose here, or maybe more than one and if you could find it and do that….wow!! Every time I work as an actress or dancer I feel like everything is in the right place, like a final piece in a puzzle, with neverending energy, in alignment with everything, connected, fully present, pure possibility, life in full colour (no under use of illegal substances, I swear). I guess for other people is being a doctor or a father or write or travel.

What about all the people we meet out there? Is that just a coincidence? Or are we supposed to meet them, in order to learn something from them or being their teachers? When I look back, even the people I hated the most and made me very unhappy in the past, with the perspective of time,er…..well, they still total idiots, BUT I can realize that they were very important for me, to learn some lesson, to express parts of me that were needed, or just to understand that I don’t want that kind of person in my life anymore.

Or have you ever noticed that you meet exactly same kind of people over and over until you fix something or make a change ?( why do I always date freaks?, why do I always have the worst jobs?, why does my best friend always betray me? …Does that ring any bell? )

Ah, life! so mysterious. Just hope is not true that when you die all the knowledge comes to you like a light and you suddenly get to understand everything. That’s rubbish!! I want to know now! I want to have all the fun right now! Let me find the click! Where is it? Where??