Don’t push the Panic Button! Just say Yes and see what happens…

Every Autumn two things happen to me. First, the “Summer can’t be over, this is not happening!” whole thing. Why is always so fast? I spend the rest of the year waiting for Summer and never seems to be long enough. So, I lead the Summer Resistance and keep wearing flip flops until is almost snowing and my denial mode is no longer possible.

The other thing I do in Autumn is the whole “What am i doing with my life? thing”. Panic!! Maybe cause the year is almost finishing and I realize I haven’t accomplished any of my New Year’s Resolutions yet, and everything gets darker and sad. I wonder if you people living in a permanent Summer place have the same feeling.

BUT 2013 is different. I’ve discovered something new. I actually did accomplish a lot of my Resolutions, and step by step I’m getting more brave and honest in going for the things I want. And I’m back in acting and trying to believe I’m exactly where and when I’m supposed to be. Even when patience is not my best skill.

And here is the scary thing, by doing this year analysis I’ve realized that a lot of the stuff I’ve wished for, has actually come to me. But I didn’t take it, and I’ve pushed the Panic Button and managed to run in the opposite direction. Crazy! Why do we do this?? Why do I do this? So everytime something good happens, I enjoy it for a little while before my brain starts with its annoying list of doubts and fears and waiting for the bad news to come… Why?? Where all this comes from? How can we stop it?

So, you were waiting for that job call and when it finally happens… boom….I’m not ready for this, I’m not good enough, is not that good offer, they are going to hate me, I better stay in the same place, sounds to good to be true, bla, bla bla..

Or you’ve liked somebody for a while , but as soon as He/She shows some interest in you, you suddenly discover a list of 101 reasons why He/She is not good enough, or doesn’t exactly have the eye colour you love, and you better keep waiting a bit longer, because maybe THE ONE is travelling in your direction by Ryanair, and is just about to appear.

So let’s make a deal. Let’s Stop pushing things and people and opportunities away. Cause if we say No to them, then that chance will die there, and we will never know what happens next.

So, in the moment something good comes to you, even if it looks tiny, like a compliment or a chance to do whatever thing that scares you, just take it and think “What’s the worst thing that can happen anyway?” And push away all those “yes, but…”. Just do it.

Dear Panic Button, you spoil all the fun. This is it! I’m getting rid of you right now. Chau

10. Every time you listen to Mariah Carey, one Unicorn falls down dead somewhere

I knew the legend was true, but had never witnessed it like this before. My neighbour likes to play Mariah, full volume. I kindly let him know in the past (with a letter under his door) about the damage he was causing, not only to the MUSIC itself, but to the Planet, but he didn’t listen to me. And today, when I arrive home…..I found this.

I apologize for the cruelty of the images, but the World needs to know about this phenomenon. We need to Stop it!  There are only a few Unicorns left and we need to keep them safe.

Happily unconscious of what was coming….

happy unicorn before Mariah

…. After Mariah…sorry…I can’t even describe it ..

dead unicornpoor unicorn

Please!! Let everybody know. Unicorns need our help!!