Apocalypse? yes, please

I’m back! It’s been a few weeks of craziness with a lot of things happening and I want to share it with you. After I wrote the “Happy end of the world” post, I decided I was going to bring that attitude to my own life for real.You should really give it a try!! I’m living an inner revolution right now, something has changed for real, and if I look back to some weeks ago, it’s amazing how some things started to change in the outside too, so fast.

It’s like I opened the champagne bottle after shaking it, and things started to jump out really fast, maybe a bit too crazy, but I’m sure they will get quieter. It feels sooo good to feel again, I’ve just realized I was living like in an inertia mode, soooo boring, playing safe, scared of the terrible things that could happen if I give some extra steps. But you know what?? We are so dramatic, always put ourselves in the worst case scenario, but actually, when that thing we fear happens for real, is never that bad as we imagined.

I decided I was going to get ride of the people in my life that doesn’t make me happy. Just like that! you are fired, don’t bother come back! “Slam” .You know the kind, some people is just permanently unhappy and want you to be unhappy too. Well, life is too short and we are millions of people, so if you don’t like me or I don’t like you, is not such a problem. Let them go, Who cares? Even if they’ve been around since ever. Believe me, You’ll be much more happy.

And yes, of course sometimes is harder cause maybe the bad energy comes from somebody you can’t avoid that easily (like at your job) so, how do you do it? …er….I don’t know (sorry), but sure you can find a way. Don’t let anybody take power from you. You are the main character in your life, not an extra artist just passing in the back. Recover your power! I had this stupid person in my job who scares everybody by being such a bitch you couldn’t imagine. And I was always trying to avoid her. But with this “Apocalypse attitude” I just confronted her, directly and told her to stop behaving like such a bitch. I was sure I was going to be fired cause she is kind of a boss, but you know what? after she recovered from shock, she came and offered me a tea instead (WTF??) and now is super nice with me. Still don’t trust her a bit, but I’m in power now.

And like this with everything else. Stop doing things you don’t like just because somebody else wants you to. Be yourself, for real, with the not so nice parts too, cause you are so unique you should never switch off any part of you. I always try to be nice and make people feel good, but sometimes in order to do so, I forget about myself. Not any more! Cause guess what? when you are happy and do the things you like, you make happy the other people too! And the ones who don’t like you? well, ciao ciao!

Stop postponing your life till later, till your next holidays, till the weekend, till you are richer, or skinnier, or have new boobs (er…). Come on! How many clothes you have in the closet waiting for special occasion? What if this occasion never comes?? Wear it today! make today special! I’m not talking about anything magical, or new age or something like that. Just easy steps, what’s the worst thing that can happen if you say to that guy/girl you actually like him? total embarrassment? yes. Avoiding the street he lives in forever? maybe…or he may like you too!!

Take a rubbish bag and put inside all the things you know you won’t use! Stop getting attached to things. Put them away! and new ones will come, for sure. Wake up to the moment (I’m the queen of daydreaming, I know is hard, but just do it), change the street you pass through everyday, try a different coffee, don’t be boring!!!

Say yes to everything!!! and see what happens.. In this weeks I’ve got much more intense and authentic relationships with people around me, new job opportunities and plans that give me energy and a path to follow. I stop fighting with the moment and place where I am, the chances I’ve already lost, the is never going to happen, I’m not talented enough, young enough, etc…And I feel much more alive! Of course is not like a happy ever after thing, still in process. I’ve cried a lot, but laughed a lot too.

So yes, if we survive to this 21-12-2012, I’ll adopt this “End of world attitude” from now on. Thank you Mayans. Deep inside I know you just run out of space in that stone, so couldn’t keep going with the calendar, but who cares? will pretend I believe the whole thing